Thursday, June 26, 2008

Day 43, Might I say, "Ugh"?

What an odd day yesterday was. Nothing too out of the ordinary happened, in fact, some may say that yesterday was a completely normal day with nothing different about it compared to any other day in the last month and a half. So why was it such an odd and peculiar day? Well, you can blame that on the exercises.

Blame it on me, too.

So yesterday was my Day 1 exercise schedule day so that means that I was busy doing exercises that I’ve been doing frequently for the past two or three weeks--they were, well, old exercises and frankly ones that I’m getting used to and a little bored with. Sometimes you get to a point where bicep curls are just bicep curls, nothing much else and when you’ve busted through your heavier resistance bands and are left with your weakest band then it just doesn’t feel like you’re getting much of a workout. Sure you might still be getting a pretty decent workout but the exercising is more mental than anything else so if it doesn’t feel like you’re working then you may end up doing something potentially damaging like overworking your body. After a point your body and mind become so inured to what you’re doing that they just shut off and turn on the autopilot which doesn’t help me all that much. I just don’t get the same workout as I would if I were totally invested and focused on what I was doing.

Anyway, yesterday I got to the point, for the first time since starting the project where I really, really didn’t want to do any of my exercises. I may honestly would have rather been repeatedly punched in the stomach by some sweaty, burly, somewhat smelly guy named Jimmy-Joe. As unpleasant as that sounds, doing the exercises seemed like a far worse alternative.

I will tell you right off that I did end up getting off my tired butt and trudging my way through all of the exercises that Wednesday had in store for me but, man oh man, did it take a lot of effort to get though. It took great strength of will, people! and I was nearly bested by my own lethargic mind and body. Curse those things. everything else with this project, once you get going the difficulty and the desire not to do what I need to do melts away and is replaced with a wonderful, warm, satisfied feeling of accomplishment and muscle tears. My body may have resisted, and resisted hard, at first but as I got into the swing of it, jumproping my way to sweatiness and busting out those pushups like there was no tomorrow things started to get much easier and the resistance that I started with faded away. I was greeted with that familiar tired euphoric feeling that comes with a nice workout and by the end of it all I was feeling rather proud of myself for overcoming my first big, resistance hurdle and coming out on top, above my lack of desire laughing triumphantly all the way to a better physique.


Anonymous said...

Encouraging entry Sean. I have been there before for sure. Isn't weird how you KNOW that you should work out, it won't be THAT hard and it's good for you, but sometimes how you FEEL has such power it's almost impossible to motivate yourself? It's crazy how our bodies only remember the pain it feels from the workout and not the better sense of accomplishment and fitness afterwards. Darn bodies! *Shakes fist*

Sean said...

My thoughts exactly and I wish I had thought of saying that when I was writing the entry so that I could include that tantalizing morsel for everyone to toss around in their heads.

Patrick said...

Dude, time for some new resistance bands. I broke all of mine and the next time I just doubled the bands.

Now when I curl I have two bands on the handles and three for shoulder stuff. And no problem with breakages.

Do you have the kind that allow you to double-up?

Sean said...

Oh yeah, that's definitely doable and I'll have to go out and get some new ones and double up. I never considered doing that but I'll have to start training that way instead.