Saturday, June 21, 2008

Day 38, A speedy one

Normally around this time of the week I’d be able to present you all with an updated and improved exercise schedule for all of you wonderful readers but not today. I know, I apologize, I do, really it’s not my fault. Actually there’s nobody to blame for anything because the current version of my exercise plan is doing what it needs to do just fine. In case you’ve forgotten here is the exercise plan I am working with currently:

Day 1

Continuous Jumprope (5 x 3 mins)

Chest Dips (6 x 8)  If you're feeling strong do the action until muscle failure each set.

Push Ups (6 x 20) Legs elevated.  

Rear Chest Flys (6 x 20) See attached file.

Biceps Curls (6 x 20)

Outer Biceps Curls (5 x 20)

Standing Shoulder Fly (5 x 20) See attached file

V-sits (5 x 25)

Half Plank (4 x 45secs)

Day 2

Continuous Jumprope (5 x 3 mins)

Chin-ups (6 x 6)  See my blog for ideas about where to find a bar.  The fingers curl over the bar away from you.  If they curled pointing back to you it would be a pull-up.

Rowing (6 x 15) Anchor the band about a foot off floor, sit on your rear, and make a rowing motion.

Lawnmowers (5 x 15)  With the band anchored at the same point as the rowing, stand, take both handles with one hand, and pull back as if you were trying to start a lawnmower.  Repeat on the other side to make one set.

Bench Dips (5 x 10) Legs up on a table if you can.  See attached file.

Small Base Pushups (5 x 15)  Place your hands close together, just under the shoulders, and do a pushup.  This will work the triceps.

Triceps Extensions (5 x 15) See attached file.

Forward Shoulder Raises (4 x 15) See attached file.

Sideways Crunches (4 x 15)  See attached file.

Leg-ups (4 x 15)

Day 3

Continuous Jumprope (5 x 3 mins)


So I’m sticking with this plan for at least another week which is nice because I think I’m beginning to get the hang of it. The Day 1 is no longer much of a problem since I’ve been doing those same exercises for a while now. I’m getting so used to it that it’s almost beginning to get boring. The Day 2 exercises are enjoyably different and I’m starting to really feel the effects of those particular exercises. I haven’t been able to find a really adequate chin-up bar or some sort of equivalent thing but I’ll keep looking for something around the home that is basically the same thing.

The only real problem is that I’ve broken two of my resistance bands already and am now forced to use the yellow band which is the band that offers the least resistance. I may have to go out soon and buy another resistance band set as a back up in case the yellow band is rocked hard enough by my awesome newly developed upper body muscles.

Well now I’m off for most of the rest of the day to a tournament that my karate school is putting on. I’ll be judging and trying not to fall asleep as I watch a couple hundred kids do the same form over and over all day. Luckily Saturday is “Day 3” so my exercises for the day will only consist of doing the jump rope so that won’t take up too much of my late afternoon.

Wish me luck.

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