Monday, June 16, 2008

Day 33, Let me regale you

With Saturdays happenings.

Since I can’t think of anything explicitly PCP related I’ll let you all in on a little personal victory of mine. This last Saturday afternoon was spent at my uncle and aunt’s house for my cousin’s high school graduation party. Looking back on it today it seems that it would have been better for me if I were just to have stayed home that day but I wanted to see them all so what are you gonna do?

So, as you can imagine, there was a lot of food. I mean, a lot of food. Most of it, I’d say 90%, of the food there I couldn’t eat due to the constraints of my vegan diet, so that wasn’t difficult to avoid (also, why is it that the majority of food everywhere you go is fat laden refined sugar filled sweets and cake or pounds and pounds of mutilated animal carcass? It does not make any sense to me, literally, I can’t comprehend it). Really the only food there that I could have eaten were the general party snacks, i.e. chips, salsa, bread, small amounts of vegetable cold cuts (why are the hors d’oeuvres always carb bombs?).

That’s where the awesomeness starts happening and where I have to praise the PCP. At the party, for the entire three or three and a half hours that I was there I only had one, count ‘em one, tortilla chip. It was one of those half dollar coin sized round chips suitable for dipping that I ate and that was all I ate. I didn’t plop gobs of salsa onto it, either.

It was quite a test of my strength of will not to completely gorge on all of the appetizers there at the party but I found out something as the chip was being eaten and went through my system--first, that chip was horribly salty, really salty, like I could have had a tablespoon of salt and not have been able to tell the difference. It really was that bad and it would be difficult for me to go through that again even if I was forced to. Second, despite all of the other food there at the party about halfway through the whole thing I discovered that my craving for all of that food wasn’t really much of anything at all, just a lingering remnant from before the project. The massive amounts of food there and everybody urging me to eat them (yes, literally urging) was no longer a problem for me.

It turns out that my self-control was much stronger than I originally thought. Apparently, I can even go to a big shindig and if I put my mind--or stomach--to it I can keep myself from straying away from anything. Huzzah!

1 comment:

Patrick said...

It's something we often overlook, the positive side of saying no to food.

Usually people dwell on the negative, i.e. "I can't have any cake, I'm on a diet."

So few of us think about how "I'll feel a confident inner strength by choosing what and when I eat. I will master my cravings and develop mental fortitude"

That feeling is much more pleasurable than any cake I've ever eaten.