Thursday, May 22, 2008

Day 8, The new diet plan...

Ho boy, this is going to be interesting, an interesting challenge, downright difficult, all of that. At least for the first couple of weeks until I can set down some kind of schedule that doesn't drive me crazy with all of the massive amounts of chopping and steaming and eating. So here it is:

50 grams carbs
100 grams fruit (no bananas)
150 grams vegetable

A.M. Snack (around 10:30 am)
100 grams fruit (no banana)

150 grams carbs
250 grams vegetables

P.M. Snack (around 3:30pm)
100 grams fruit

100 grams carbs
Drink 2 BIG spoonfuls of the protein powder, 1 banana, blended with water.

Evening Snack (around 9:30 pm)
1 more banana.

Doesn't sound horrible, right? I mean, yeah, it seems pretty sparse and at first glance it very well could be...until you start chopping and weighing everything out. Then you realize that you've never eaten that many vegetables that early in the morning. It's such a drastic change that I can apparently only get used to by whining about it here, but I'm blowing things out of proportion. Anything is doable and with a little imagination and preparation this can be a whole lot of fun really. I think the hardest part for me will be getting up early enough to cook everything and eat it when I need to. I'll need to get to sleep much earlier than I have been this last week to be able to do everything that I need to do for this.

So there that is, for the next however long it will be my daily diet will be exactly that, nothing much more. Honestly, I'm still very excited about all of this and about the changes this diet plan will help produce (all I'm wondering now is when I'll be able to drink soymilk and fruit juice like I used to). I definitely need to keep a positive mindset throughout these first weeks otherwise it will be very easy to slip back into the unhealthy thinking of the past. I'll keep you updated on how it goes and my process of getting used to it.

Wish us all luck, fair readers, and a good day to you, too.

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