Thursday, July 24, 2008

Day 71, Continually surprised

So every once in a while (read once in a blue moon’s blue moon) at the karate school we’ll go ahead and do something different and entertaining, of course, to be honest, anything other than a forms review is different and entertaining. Yesterday was one of those days.

During my class we broke off into partner groups and did focus bag drills, focus bags being the smaller handheld bags. These drills consisted of, from a fighting stance, throwing a forward and a reverse punch to the pads which are held up at about face level and then returning to the original fighting stance position. That was one drill. The other one we did was done from, again, a fighting stance except that this time the bag holders stood facing to the side with both bags held up in front of them, one on top of the other, and the other person burst through the bags throwing out a backfist to bag at head level and a reverse punch to the bag held at stomach level.

I’ve always enjoyed this particular exercise one, because we do it so rarely that it hasn’t lost any of its enjoyability and luster and two, because it is a mighty fine cardio workout. Whenever we get the chance to do it I am secretly smiling inside because it’s rather fun.

I noticed something today doing the exercise that had never before occurred whenever we did this particular exercise in the past, today doing the exercise I wasn’t literally dripping sweat off of me by the end of it. I wasn’t wheezing and clutching at my knees to keep myself from collapsing in an embarrassingly out of shape wet pile.

What was the deal? Well, of course it was the project, but more specifically I would have to say that it was all of the massive amounts of jumproping that I’ve done these last two and a half months. I blame the jumprope and at the same time I praise its wonderfulness. Without dedicating myself to doing upwards of 2000 jumps a day then I wouldn’t be able to get anywhere near what I was able to do in class today.

I was already aware of the benefits of the jumprope but now, especially now since I haven’t really worked out very hard in class lately (I have no idea why really), it is just so abundantly clear that the jumprope is mightily effective and not something that I want to give up readily anytime within the next, oh, sixty years. Or however long until I finally keel over and croak.


Patrick said...

Totally. I was really surprised to by the cardio level-up the jumprope gives you too. I think it just builds you up a little bit every time, because it's never like your gasping and sucking wind when you jumprope.

If you haven't tried yet, go for a run sometime. You'll be surprised by that too.

Anonymous said...

Or a swim. Swimming can be intense you might surprise yourself how much longer you can hold your breath or how much faster you can swim. Or sink because you have almost no body fat now haha

Anonymous said...

Dude one more comment. I checked out your daily photos. I swear starting about 3 days ago you can see a day to day change. It's crazy.

Sean said...

Ah thank you so very much. I was beginning to worry about that but now I've gained so much more determination to push through and make those changes even more dramatic and plentiful.

Anonymous said...

I think Sean and David's changes are less readily visible because they were both already skinny.